Make sure to come back and check frequently for updates!
October 30th - Windsor City Council meeting - 350 City Hall Square West, Windsor, ON,N9A 6S1 Novemeber 12th - Santa's arrival at Devonshire mall - 3100 Howard Ave, Windsor, ON N8X 3Y8 Sparky's fundraiser kick of BBQ - Home Hardware west 700 Tecumseh rd. West, Windsor, ON N8X 1H2 Decemeber 2nd - Windsor Santa Clause Parade - Downtown Windsor Decemeber 10th - Vendor Market - Caboto Club 9:30am-2:30pm 2175 Parent Ave, Windsor, ON N8X 4K2 Decemeber 16th - Real Canadian Superstore - 4371 Walker Rd, Windsor, ON N8W 3T6